Sunday, May 20, 2012

Tired Of Your iPhone's Autocorrect? Here's How To Fix It

If you have ever mistakenly rejected your iPhone's keyboard suggestions, then chances are you've been annoyed by an incorrect word later being placed in your messages, notes, or emails.
The iPhone uses a unique dictionary. Unfortunately, you can't edit the dictionary directly, but you can add things to it.
When you type a word that the phone thinks is wrong, it proposes a suggested word.
The second time that you reject a proposed word with the same word, the iPhone assumes that this word is correctly spelled and adds it to the dictionary. Over time, this should allow the iPhone to recognize more correct words.
The issue comes when you reject a misspelled word twice. The wrong word is added to the dictionary. Each time you type the right word the dictionary suggests the wrong word. Very annoying. 
If you're having problems with your iPhone's autocorrect, the best answer is to....

1 comment:

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