Sunday, May 20, 2012

Apple stores: Here's how desperately cities want

According to a report, Apple gets hugely preferential leases just to open its stores in certain cities and locations. Why is anyone surprised?

It seems that Apple is retail's Botox.
The minute an Apple store appears in a shopping mall -- or, say, a vast famous New York railway station -- somehow the area becomes prettier and more devastatingly young.
The Next Web reports that Apple is continually offered ludicrously favorable incentives just to be the next shiny dance partner for a city or a shopping mall.
Apparently, authorities in Grand Central Terminal and Salt Lake City didn't bother with annoying complexities as some (or any) rent or share of profit in order to encourage Cupertino to erect a little more glass, white and silver in their vicinities.
ABC News suggests that the Utah city offered 5 years free rent.
This follows from a New York Post report that Apple is only paying $60 per square foot at its new store in Grand Central Station -- as opposed to a restaurant that has to pay $200. Apple isn't even reportedly required to share any of its profits, as are almost all other stores there.

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